The top seven reasons why you shouldn’t fix your roof yourself

hand on ladder

It’s just a tiny leak and several crumbling asphalt shingles — surely you can fix them yourself and there’s no need to call for professional help, right? Besides, there are countless videos of roof repair tutorials online, and you can always run to your local hardware to get all the supplies you need.

As tempting as it may seem, do NOT try to DIY your roof. Here are seven compelling reasons why.

  • You can cause more damage – Roofing contractors have years of experience under their belt so they know exactly how to fix your roof. You don’t. As such, you may cause further damage because you don’t completely understand the problem.

    For instance, you may think that the issue is just one small leak. In trying to fix that leak, you may step on a weak part of your roof and it may give, getting you literally stuck in an uncomfortable situation. You can also damage your roof by mishandling equipment or by incorrectly doing roof procedures.

  • You actually spend more – When you DIY, you have to purchase everything — down to every last nail and shingle. And because you might not get things right the first time, there’s the danger of your work falling apart when the wind picks up: when shingles start flying and flashings get loose, you will have no choice but to bring in the professionals and cough up those dollars nonetheless.

    If anything, the only thing you will not be spending on is labor. But then you will still be spending time and effort if you do your own repairs, so you’re still technically spending resources.

  • You void your warranty – Some manufacturers provide a warranty on their products under the condition that they have been installed in accordance with proper application instructions. If you damage these products during your little rooftop DIY adventure, you risk voiding their warranty.
  • You might get into insurance trouble – Homeowners insurance policies cover all repairs and replacement if the damage is caused by nature. But if you caused damage to your own house, you might not be eligible for insurance. If you already have a policy and your insurance company finds out that you tried to fix your roof, your policy can be canceled.
  • You can hurt yourself – A slip down the slope of your roof can sentence you to a lifetime in a wheelchair; one equipment mishap can cost you a finger. Unless you really want to live your life on the edge, leave roof maintenance and repairs to the professionals.
  • Your work will not look as good – Unless you have extensive experience in installing or replacing roofs, your lack of skill will likely result in shoddy workmanship and your roof's poor appearance. While DIY videos make renovations look easy, remember that you simply can’t master a skill without enough practice, no matter how many hours you spend watching a tutorial.
  • Repairs can take longer – Assessing the roof, acquiring the necessary equipment, and doing the actual job all take time, especially when you have untrained hands. A roofing job that would take experts two to three days to finish can take DIY enthusiasts up to several weeks. Surely you would rather be in favor of the former since it’s the much more efficient option: delays only translate to more inconvenience and higher expenses.

Roofing is a serious business. Entrust your roof repairs to contractors who have the experience and the skills to get your roof fixed within budgets and deadlines. D&D Roofing and Sheet Metal, Inc., Inc. is your local roof expert, trusted by Nevadans since 1977. For any roofing project in the Reno, Reno, Lake Tahoe, or Carson City area, contact us.
